Live in Nannies
Duties: Live in Nannies are expected to undertake the day to day care of your children. This will involve creating and upholding a safe and secure environment. They will also be expected to do general nursery duties including, providing nutritious and well balanced meals for the children in their care, doing the children’s laundry and keeping the children’s areas clean and tidy. They will also be required to organise fun and educational outings and to implement a good routine that works for you and your children’s needs. A Nanny will use her knowledge and skills to further the children’s development through play. A Nanny will provide activities such as creative arts and crafts, constructive play, singing, reading and other various learning opportunities. A Nanny is not expected to do any heavy housework, family cooking or any other chores not related to the children.
Requirements: A live in Nanny will require their own bedroom and bathroom which is to be furnished, this must include a TV and DVD player and plenty of storage. They will also need access to a private bathroom (sharing a bathroom with the children is acceptable in some cases) Sometimes separate accommodation is included in the Nanny package. Food and utilities are also to be provided by the employer
House rules should be discussed at the interview and included in the Nannies contract.
Hours: Live in Nanny hours are normally between 10 – 11 hours per day Monday to Friday.
Salary: £300-£400+ net per week
This is based on age and experience. And will include 1-2 nights babysitting per week between Monday to Friday if required. Weekend and additional babysitting should be paid.
As an employer you are responsible for paying the Nannies NI contributions and taxes on top of their weekly salary. For more information on this visit
Holiday entitlement: Live in Nannies are entitled to a minimum of 4 weeks paid holiday this does not include bank holidays. Holidays should be taken at a mutually agreed time. If you require your Nanny to accompany you on holiday all travel, accommodation and food must be paid for by the employer. This will be classed as a working week and as such should be paid and not included in Nannies annual leave.